
So what has colour got to do with your brand message?

As business owners we are all enormously proud (and attached) to our brand and brand messages. We invest huge amounts of time, thought, energy and $$ in creating our business or product name, logo, bi-lines, mission and vision statements.

But how much thought have you invested in your choice of brand colour? Just as words, names, symbols and logos demand an immediate response and reaction from our customers, so too does the colour we use.

Every colour has its own unique look, feel and message.

In the case of 3YO we deliberately chose the colour orange because it stood for so many of the values that we hold to be true for our business.

The meaning of orange:

Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation. To the human eye, orange is a very hot colour, so it gives the sensation of heat. Nevertheless, orange is not as aggressive as red. Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and stimulates mental activity. It is highly accepted among young people. As a citrus colour, orange is associated with healthy food and stimulates appetite. Orange is the colour of fall and harvest. In heraldry, orange is symbolic of strength and endurance.

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What are you focusing on?

The #1 Law of Entrepreneurship states that “opportunity will always exceed resource”.

Just ask anyone in the middle of a ‘start up’ and they’ll tell you that their greatest frustration is in not being able to bring more resource (time, $$, people, energy, expertise) to the table to execute on their idea.

The same goes for established businesses wanting to drive innovation and business development. 

Fact is I’ve never met anyone yet – start up or established – who has claimed they have all the resource they need!

So here’s the trick. It is all about building momentum – and momentum is all about directing your attention (resources) on a few key things that will get your boat moving in the right direction and in the right sequence.

Organisations tend to grow in the direction they focus their attention and that is always at its most powerful when the whole crew is paddling in the same direction.

You may well want to diversify your offer, reduce costs, improve customer service, innovate service delivery, de-risk, rationalise and standardise, simplify the business, increase margins, outsource, drive revenue growth (these are just some of the more common things on a business owner’s wish list) – but the fact is you can’t achieve focus by trying to be all things to all people all at the same time.

It is far better to do one or two things really (really) well, because where your attention goes the energy flows and the results show.

Try this simple little test. Stop what you are doing right now, get your Team together and ask them individually what is their current major ‘focus’. You’ll soon know whether you are all paddling in the same direction with focus, purpose and clarity.

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Action, Awareness, Clarity, Commitment

3YO Process: Awareness, Clarity, Commitment, Action

For decades, the organisations that have achieved the greatest reward and meaning are those that:

  • Operate from a place of heightened Awareness
  • Have absolute Clarity of purpose and direction
  • Demonstrate a deep Commitment to implementing strategy
  • Take massive and consistent Action on things that count

Here's the trick:

  • What You Focus on in your business expands - focus on what is right, not what's wrong
  • What you Think about you become -  are you looking at your glass half full or half empty?
  • What you Fear you attract - obstacles are the things you see when you take your eye off your goals
  • What you Resist persists - make the tough decisions early because nothing will change until something (or someone) moves
  • What you Examine disappears - there is always a solution when you are committed to the outcome
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